[ppml] Re: Statistics for allocations for each IPv4 /8 block based on RIRs whois data

william at elan.net william at elan.net
Thu Oct 9 22:02:18 EDT 2003

> http://www.completewhois.com/statistics/ip_statistics.htm
Based on my statistics above, I also gathered some additional data which 
is interesting when evaluating efficiency of RIR ip allocations and how 
it works out in each of their regions.

I've used the term "routing utilization" below to indicate percent of 
allocated space that is actively routed (I could not find another term to 
use for this, if one exist - let me know).

ARIN (/8 blocks 63/8, 64/8, 65/7, 66/8, 67/8, 68/8, 69/8, 207/8, 208/8,
	        209/8, 216/8)
    Number of /24 blocks allocated: 513436
    Number of /24 blocks routed (of above): 495764
    Routing Utilization Ratio: 96.5% (!!!)
    Amount of ip space left unallocated from blocks not in most active 
     allocation use (i.e. except 69/8):  78549 (/24 blocks)
    Percent of space left unallocated before requesting new /8: 12.0%

ARIN OLD (/8 blocks 196/8, 198/8, 199/8, 204/8, 205/8, 206/8)
    Number of /24 blocks allocated: 308704
    Number of /24 blocks routed (of above): 213009
    Routing Utilization Ratio: 69.0%
    Amount of ip space left unallocated from blocks not in most active 
     allocation use (i.e. except 196/8):  30267 (/24 blocks)
    Percent of space left unallocated from these blocks: 9.2%

RIPE (/8 blocks 62/8, 80/8, 81/8, 82/8, 212/8, 213/8, 217/8):
    Number of /24 blocks allocated: 419984
    Number of /24 blocks routed (of above): 378682
    Routing Utilization Ratio: 90.1%
    Amount of ip space left unallocated from blocks not in most active 
     allocation use (i.e. except 82/8):  12848 (/24 blocks)
    Percent of space left unallocated before requesting new /8: 3.26%

RIPE OLD (/8 blocks 193/8, 194/8, 195/8):
    Number of /24 blocks allocated: 191591
    Number of /24 blocks routed (of above): 156456
    Routing Utilization Ratio: 81.6%
    Amount of ip space left unallocated from these blocks: 4837 (/24 
    Percent of space left unallocated from these blocks: 2.46% (!!!)

APNIC (/8 blocks 60/8, 61/8, 210/8, 211/8, 218/8, 219/8, 220/8, 221/8, 222/8):
    Number of /24 blocks allocated: 440838
    Number of /24 blocks routed (of above): 387855
    Routing Utilization Ratio: 90%
    Amount of ip space left unallocated from blocks not in most active 
     allocation use (i.e. except 60/8 and 222/8):  30971 (/24 blocks)
    Percent of space left unallocated before requesting new /8: 6.75%

APNIC OLD (/8 blocks 202/8, 203/8):
    Number of /24 blocks allocated: 111682
    Number of /24 blocks routed (of above): 94200
    Routing Utilization Ratio: 84.3%
    Amount of ip space left unallocated from these blocks: 19390 (/24 
    Percent of space left unallocated from these blocks: 14.8% (!!!)

LACNIC (/8 blocks 200/8, 211/8):
    Number of /24 blocks allocated: 62271
    Number of /24 blocks routed (of above): 52171
    Routing Utilization Ratio: 83.8%
    (Note that routing utilization for 200/8 alone is 89.5%)
    Amount of ip space left unallocated in 200/8 block: 8385 (/24 blocks)
    Percent of space left unallocated before requesting new /8: 13%

>From above I think you can all see that ARIN tends to assign blocks of the 
size company needs in immediate future (and companies route exactly that
block) leaving in reserve for the same companies future allocation large 
blocks - this leads to very good routing utilization ratio of 96% for 
north american region, compared to all others, but fairly large amount of 
space left before it requests new /8 from IANA (12%). 

On the other hand RIPE does the opposite and tends to give larger amount 
of space then needed  (I guess all those claims that its hard to get ip 
space of the size you need from RIPE, may not be exactly true...) and 
companies route less space but RIPE will use entire /8 block and leave 
nothing in reserve for the same LIRs future allocation, as a result their 
region has lower routing utilization ratio of 90% bad best ratio for the 
amount of ip blocks left before requesting new /8 (3.25%). 

APNIC is trying to do something in between, I'd guess, but but somehow 
ends up with larger amount of space left in their ip blocks (6.5%) but
the companies there have either time getting ip blocks and route less
of it leaving with the same routing utilization ration of 90% with RIPE,
though their utilization ration is dragged down by 222/8 block from which 
they allocated lots of space lately but not much of that is yet in use.

For LACNIC I can't yet tell anything except they allocated large blocks in 
new 201/8 block and they are not in active use, which drags down their 
routing utilization ration quite bad (otherwise its the same as with RIPE 
and APNIC).

Also below are some of the most interesting (i.e. best/worst) numbers for 
various /8 blocks:

RIR /8 blocks with least amount of unallocated space ( <= 2% not allocated)
  62/8 (RIPE) - < 1% not allocated
  63/8 (ARIN) - 2% not allocated 
  133/8 (JPNIC) - 1% not allocated
  135/8 (Internic Legacy) - 1% not allocated
  136/8 (Internic Legacy) - 1.5% not allocated
  143/8 (Internic Legacy) - 2% not allocated
  147/8 (Internic Legacy) - 1.5% not allocated
  166/8 (Internic Legacy) - 1% not allocated
  195/8 (RIPE) - 1.5% not allocated
  211/8 (APNIC) - 1% not allocated
  212/8 (RIPE) - < 1% not allocated 
  213/8 (RIPE) - 1% not allocated

RIR /8 blocks with with best ratio of routed blocks / allocated blocks
(those with > 95% routing utilization ratio except ripe where its > 94%)
  60/8 (APNIC) - 100% routing utilization (but of the entire /8 only one 
				          /20 is allocated and routed)
  63/8 (ARIN) - 99.1% routing utilization
  68/8 (ARIN) - 97.1% routing utilization
  188/8 (Internic Legacy) - 100% routing utilization (but there is only 
					 one /16 there allocated anyway)
  208/8 (ARIN) - 99.6% routing utilization (!!!)
  217/8 (RIPE) - 94.2% routing utlization
  219/8 (APNIC) - 97.3% routing utilization

RIR /8 blocks with worst routing utilization ratio
(where 50% or more of allocated space is not routed)
  135/8 (Internic Legacy) - 41% routing utilization
  136/8 (Internic Legacy) - 32% routing utilization
  154/8 (Internic Legacy) - 19% routing utilization
  169/8 (Internic Legacy) - 23% routing utilization
  171/8 (Internic Legacy) - 21% routing utilization
  192/8 (Internic Legacy) - 42% routing utilization
  201/8 (LACNIC) - 20% routing utilization (this is their newest block)
  222/8 (APNIC) - 23% routing utilization (also their newwest block)

IANA /8 blocks that are listed as allocated, but that are not routed at all
  9/8 - IBM
  11/8 - US DoD
  19/8 - Ford
  21/8 - DDN-RVN (US DoD)
  22/8 - DISA (ARPANET; US DoD)
  26/8 - DISA (ARPANET; US DoD)
  28/8 - DISA (ARPANET; US DoD)
  29/8 - DISA (ARPANET; US DoD)
  30/8 - DISA (ARPANET; US DoD)
  46/8 - BBN (now L3)
  46/8 - Prudential
  51/8 - UK Department of Social Security
  54/8 - Merck

/8 blocks with least amount of routed space (but at least some)
  6/8 (US-DOD) - 2% routed
  25/8 (UK Royal Signals and Radar Establishment) - 1% routed
  60/8 (APNIC) - < 1% routed (one /20)
  34/8 (Haliburton) - 1% routed (one /16)
  43/8 (V6NIC.NET) - 4% routed
  52/8 (DuPont) - < 1% routed (320 /24 blocks)
  56/8 (US Postal Service) - < 1% routed (160 /24 blocks)
  154/8 (Internic Legacy) - 4% routed
  188/8 (Internic Legacy) - 1% routed (one /16)
  201/8 (LACNIC) - 1% routed
  222/8 (APNIC) - 4% routed

/8 blocks with least amount of allocated space ( < 50% of block allocated)
  153/8 (Internic Legacy) - 44% allocated
  154/8 (Internic Legacy) - 25% allocated
  171/8 (Internic Legacy) - 44% allocated
  172/8 (Internic Legacy) - 39% allocated
  188/8 (Internic Legacy) - < 1% allocated (one /16)
  196/8 (ARIN/AFRINIC) - 17% allocated
  201/8 (LACNIC) - 7% allocated
  222/8 (APNIC) - 19% allocated
  60/8 (APNIC) - < 1% allocated (one /20)
  69/8 (ARIN) - 23% allocated

>From the above, I would especially note large amount of completely unrouted 
blocks for DISA, I think they need to ask they if they really are using 
internally any of that space and if not if they can give some of it back.
I would also ask to. I would also note that there are several internic 
legacy blocks that should really be reassigned to one of RIRs and reused 
(especially 188/8 which has only one /16).

I'll post all this data on separate webpage (linked to statistics page) on 
the website as well, but this was all one-time calculation. Although I'll 
try to setup to at least keep track of RIR data automaticly to see what 
trends there with that in the next 6-12 months.

William Leibzon
Elan Networks
william at elan.net

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