[ppml] My idea was a non-starter

Owen DeLong owen at delong.com
Fri Oct 3 14:33:23 EDT 2003

	I'd like your answer to the following questions as if they
were being called for a vote at the meeting in the following order.
Each is a yes, no. or abstain question:

	Should the AC implement a policy similar to 2002-3, but, with the
	language expanded to include allocations as well as assignments
	of /22?

	Should the AC implement 2002-3 as is?

	Should the AC implement a policy similar to 2003-15, but, for
	all of ARIN instead of just Sub-Equitorial Africa?

	Should the AC implement 2003-15 as is?

	Please answer based on the idea that if the first question receives
a large yes vote, the other questions become moot and don't need to be
asked.  If question 1 fails, then questions 2 and 3 will be asked.  If
question receives a large yes vote, question 4 becomes moot and does not
need to be asked.  If question 3 fails, then question 4 will be asked.



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