[ppml] Draft 2 of proposal for ip assignment with sponsorship

Forrest forrest at almighty.c64.org
Wed Feb 26 19:00:17 EST 2003

I think some sort of language saying that ARIN will do audits of the 
assignments from time to time is needed.  Or perhaps when you pay your 
annual renewal fee, you should have to provide proof along with it that 
you are still connected to more than 1 upstream.  Basically something that 
will prevent someone from being multihomed today, get a micro assignment, 
and then drop their second provider while keeping their micro assignment.


On Wed, 26 Feb 2003 william at elan.net wrote:

> I'v made a 2nd draft for proposal for ip micro-assignment with sponsorship.
> It does not format well to be posted in the email as text but you can 
> review it online at:
> http://www.elan.net/~william/arin_proposal_for_micro_assignments_with_sponsorship.htm
> If you have any futher suggestions please feel free to email me or otherwise
> discuss it on this list. If there are no suggestions for addition to the 
> current text, this will be the proposal I will send to Richard Jimmerson 
> end of this week.
> ----
> William Leibzon
> Elan Communications
> william at elan.net

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