[ppml] Wording issues with the 2002-6 Aggregation Requests Proposal???

John M. Brown john at chagres.net
Wed Dec 4 17:48:49 EST 2002

The sky is falling.....

I believe the most recent exhaustion date is sometime 
around 2030, but lets say its really 2010, a meer 7 years

Where is IPv6??  and will there be a cross over in usage
needs once v6 gets going???

The only time the RIR's should beable to "reclaim" space is
if its not in the global routing tables for a solid 12 months.
Exceptions to this are IX's and private networks.

The day we let the RIR's control whats in the routing table is
going to be a very bad day.  Tort and other issues will abound.

If v6 isn't going to help solve this problem, then I'd like 
to see us work more on getting v6 deployed globally.  

> -----Original Message-----
> From: McBurnett, Jim [mailto:jmcburnett at msmgmt.com] 
> Sent: Wednesday, December 04, 2002 3:37 PM
> To: john at chagres.net; dawn.martin at wcom.com; ppml at arin.net
> Subject: RE: [ppml] Wording issues with the 2002-6 
> Aggregation Requests Proposal???
> Good Point John,
> but the question remains. What do we do when IP user A has 
> not returned those IP address? When IPv4 is closer to 
> complete exhaustion there will be an issue with turn around 
> time to reallocation/reissue. And when someone is got their 
> new block and is only partially using their old block, 
> someone else might be in a holding pattern.....
> Jim
> -----Original Message-----
> From: John M. Brown [mailto:john at chagres.net]
> Sent: Wednesday, December 04, 2002 12:21 PM
> To: dawn.martin at wcom.com; ppml at arin.net
> Subject: RE: [ppml] Wording issues with the 2002-6 
> Aggregation Requests Proposal???
> >  I would still like to hear some opinions on what ARIN should
> > do if the 12 months comes and goes and they do not hear back 
> > from the trader about the old blocks.
> > 
> > Dawn
> RIR's have no control or authority over the global routing 
> table. Ergo no way to reclaim those old blocks.
> and IMHO, RIR's should NOT have any control over the routing table.
> If after 12 months they still have servers or services 
> running in those old blocks, to have them removed from the 
> routing table could create a tort or restraint of trade legal 
> issue that I'm not sure ARIN is financially able to deal with.

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