/24 assignments to multi-homed customers who can't justify the use of >126 hosts in 3-6 months

Hyunseog Ryu HRyu at norlight.com
Fri Mar 9 15:21:33 EST 2001

Hi, folks

This is my opinion for this case.

I think there is three options for this.

1) The customer request micro-allocation to ARIN. named-servers can be one
of the reason for Micro-allocation. But they need to convince ARIN.
     I think it will be very small chance for most customers.

    From ARIN,
      ARIN makes micro-allocations to infrastructures including public      
      exchange points, gTLDs, ccTLDs, RIRs, and ICANN, as well as all named 
      servers of the domain                                                 

2) Apply End-user Multi-homed situation for this customer and convince this
to ARIN by ISP.
    According to ARIN's web site -
http://www.arin.net/regserv/ip-assignment.html -,
    a certain end-user who is multi-homed, but can not meet with /20
minimum assignment can request /20 with /21 justification.
    If we apply to ISP, I think we can consider /24 as minimum assignment
unit for ISP or end-user  who already use /25 efficiently, and will
renumber it's existing IP address to new one within 18 months.
    If the customer get /25 from each ISPs, and use those IP address to
assign each ISP's IP address to their device for fault tolerant,
    that will be waste of IP address.

3) Forget it. And use MHSRP and stick with one ISP. :-)

Hyunseog Ryu / CCDA, MCSE
Network Engineer/Applications Engineering
Norlight Telecommunications, Inc.
The Guardians of Data
275 North Corporate Drive
Brookfield, WI 53045-5818
Tel. +1.262.792.7965
Fax. +1.262.792.7733

                    <Clay at exodus.        To:     <jforeman at bbo.com>, <ppml at arin.net>                       
                    net>                 cc:     (bcc: Hyunseog Ryu/Brookfield/Norlight)                   
                    Sent by:             Fax to:                                                           
                    owner-ppml at ar        Subject:     RE: /24 assignments to multi-homed customers who     
                    in.net               can't justify the use of >126 hosts in 3-6 months                 
                    01:59 PM                                                                               
                    respond to                                                                             

The problem with this is that ARIN specifically says that routing is not
justification for IP address space.  If someone doesn't justify a /24 for
actual usage...they don't get it. or, if you do give it to them, you place
in jeopardy your future allocations.

Clay Lambert
Exodus Communications

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-ppml at arin.net [mailto:owner-ppml at arin.net]On Behalf Of
jforeman at bbo.com
Sent: Friday, March 09, 2001 11:35 AM
To: ppml at arin.net
Subject: /24 assignments to multi-homed customers who can't justify the use
of >126 hosts in 3-6 months

For a customer of an ISP that meets the following criteria:
1) has registered an ASN and will be multi-homed to two or more ISPs,
2) cannot reasonably justify the use of a /24 within 3 - 6 months based on
ARIN IP allocation policies and
3) the customer is obtaining IP space from one of their ISPs.
In my view, such a customer will require at least a /24 so that their
network advertisement will be accepted by all ISPs since most ISPs will not
accept advertisements  from their peers of networks have a netmask any
longer than a /24.
Is it acceptable, in ARIN's view, to assign a /24 to such a customer? I
never came across any documentation at www.arin.net that discusses such a
Jon Foreman
BBO - Data Install
jforeman at bbo.com
Desk: 703.641.6451
Mobile: 703.403.4263
Pager: 7034034263 at message.bam.com

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