guideline for name-based web hosting justification

Stacey D. Son sson at
Wed Sep 13 09:44:12 EDT 2000

Shane Kerr said:
> I hate to stick my neck out here, and I recognise that the technology 
> doesn't really exist, but creating an Apache mod to record the number 
> of bits sent to/from a given virtual domain should be straightforward. 
> Perhaps ARIN could fund the appropriate work at Apache for this (IIRC 
> ARIN has plenty of money for this kind of work right now).  I can't 
> imagine it would cost in excess of $100k, and might help everybody 
> concerned.
> It could even produce output that looks like MRTG.  :)
> Shane

Please note that other protocols would need to be considered as well
(e.g. FTP, IMAP/POP, SMTP, streaming, chat, etc.).  In short, HTTP is
only one of many protocols used by web hosters that require usage


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