[arin-discuss] ARIN registration fee data (was: Status of realigning the IPv6 fee structure?)

John Curran jcurran at arin.net
Thu Mar 15 16:36:35 EDT 2012

On Mar 14, 2012, at 10:25 PM, Kevin Blumberg wrote:
> The other issue is how many ARIN members are X-Small? I haven't been able to find
> that data. If it is somewhere please share :) 

Sorry for the delay in putting this information together...

I need to preface by noting that there is a distinct difference 
between how many member are in a given registration services 
category versus how many members are paying fees _because they 
are in that category_. We charge based the larger of the IPv4 
size and IPv6 size category fee, so many organizations with both
resources are simply paying the generally larger IPv4 registration 
services fees.

So, of the 4109 members with registration services, they break 
down as following with respect to registration services size 
category based on their IPv4 resource holdings:

x-small: 1,229   
  small: 1,902
 medium:   625
  large:   103
x-large:    72
Total  = 3,931 members with IPv4 registration services. 

With respect to just their IPv6 resource holdings:

x-small:     7   (smaller than /40 - critical inf.)
  small: 1,573   (/40 to /32)
 medium:    37   (/31 to /30)
  large:    29   ...
x-large:     8
xx-large:    1
Total  = 1,655 members with IPv6 registration services.

If you want to look at the full categories or associated fees,
go here: <https://www.arin.net/fees/fee_schedule.html>

As noted, most members are paying based on their IPv4 category,
as their IPv6 fee is smaller.  This means that when it comes to 
actual registration services fees billed, the distribution is
as follows:

 Xtra Large  =    72
 Large       =   103
 Medium      =   625
 Small       = 1,902
 Xtra Small  =   995
 Small       =   406    
 Medium      =     2
 Large       =     3
 XX Large    =     1
Total        = 4,109 Members with registration services.

Of the 406 members paying IPv6 small category, 234 were IPv4 
x-small member who ended up to paying slightly more ($438) 
in 2011 as IPv6 waiver went from 50% to %25. Rather than have
this happen again in 2012, the Board opted to maintain the 25% 
IPv6 fee waiver (it was originally scheduled to phase out as 
100/75/50/25/0 over 2008 through 2012.)  The exercise before
all of us is to determine an appropriate long-term fee schedule
that recognizes over time the member change from IPv4 to IPv6.

So, this is probably more a little more information than you 
wanted, but hopefully should help with the discussion.


John Curran
President and CEO


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