[arin-discuss] IPv6-only website

Steve Bertrand steve at ibctech.ca
Thu Apr 22 21:44:45 EDT 2010

There were a few people who were curious and asked me about what the
effects would be for ISPs that delayed their IPv6 implementation until
after the v4 runout during the ARIN meeting.

So, I decided to actually get my IPv6-only domain online so those people
can get first hand experience of a situation of trying to visit a
website of a new content provider that can only get IPv6 address space.
This is not a simulation... it is the real thing.

The domain is onlyv6.com, and I've documented the prereqs to view it in
my blog:


Configuring a v6 only domain did not come without challenges. Although
it was trivial to do, there were many steps along the way that I really
had to step back and focus much effort on, particularly because I
literally was fighting an IPv4 mindset that has been prevalent for years.



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