[arin-discuss] IPv6 /32 minimum for extra-small ISP

Owen DeLong owen at delong.com
Wed Apr 14 00:11:23 EDT 2010

You are conflating ISP and End-User policies here.

As an ISP, the IPv6 minimum allocation at this time is a /32 as Randy stated.

I do wonder, however, what size allocation you would want to receive for IPv6 and how many customers you expect to support with ti.  A /40 would only allow you to support, for example, 256 customers.  A /40 costs just as much as a /32.


On Apr 13, 2010, at 10:51 AM, joel jaeggli wrote:

> if you qualify for a /22 or /21 under existing v4 policy then you qualify for a pi direct assignment and that's a /48 minimum... obviously if you're going to hand your customers /48's that won't get you very far.
> On 4/13/2010 10:33 AM, Randy McAnally wrote:
>> Why are extra-small ISP's with a /21 or /22 of v4 space forced to buy so much v6
>> IP space and essentially double our fees?  I know there's a rebate in effect
>> (for now) but regardless, I'm extremely displeased with this policy.
>> --
>> Randy
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