[arin-discuss] Food for thought: IPv4 accountability.

Mike Horwath drechsau at iphouse.net
Wed Jul 22 10:04:37 EDT 2009

On Wed, Jul 22, 2009 at 09:46:25AM -0400, Robert E. Seastrom wrote:
> I've never seen you post to PPML, at least not from this address or
> drechsau at mac.com.  I only looked going back to 2004 so if you can
> point me at public archives going back further you have my apologies
> ahead of time for categorizing you as a non-participant, but nothing
> in the past five and a half years does not invalidate my point.


	drechsau at geeks.org
	drechsau at visi.com

for addresses that have/had been on this list dating back years.

I list an example below for you.

I want to invalidate your point in that as far as I know, there has
never been a requirement to physically go to a meeting to have
opinions heard.

I apologize for being antagonistic.  I hate repeating myself, and this
thread is full of fail for such repeating.  The mantra hasn't changed,
the issues are the same issues that are 9+ years old.

> The playing field is indeed level, within the tolerances of
> practicabiliy.  Perhaps you might choose to participate in the
> public policy process in the future so that any perceived inequities
> could be addressed?

Opinion: I don't believe the playing field is level within any
tolerance of practicality.

You have your opinion.  That doens't make you right and me wrong, nor
the converse.

Proof: this issue is old and repetitive, without movement to resolve
the long standing issues of organizations holding blocks they do not
need (I said 'need', not 'want'), nor have used (since allocated) to
the same levels that the rest of us normal netizens are held to.

back to topic...

I have participated multiple times via email.

here is something from Sept 14th, 2000:


Look familar?

(kudos to the ARIN folx maintaining the list - the pipermail interface
is one of the best I have seen in terms of look)

Mike Horwath      ipHouse - Welcome home!       drechsau at iphouse.net
        The universe is an island, surrounded by whatever it is
        that surrounds universes. - Berkely Fortune

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