[arin-discuss] [ppml] Counsel statement on Legacyassignments?(fwd)

michael.dillon at bt.com michael.dillon at bt.com
Fri Oct 5 11:06:33 EDT 2007

> Not too name names, but you have several companies out there 
> that do not even adhere to ARIN's guidelines when it comes to 
> proper justification of IP allocation.  Some are now offering 
> hosting customers multiple class c ip space across hundreds 
> of class c's..  
> How can they do that?  How can I compete with that?    I am coming  
> very close to just giving my allocation back, and collecting 
> space from my upscales..

What you are describing is the result of very loose policies on the
status of prior allocations, and the lack of an effective audit
procedure. Of course, the current ARIN policy does not mandate any form
of auditing for prior allocations so that's why it is not done.

You could always join the PPML mailing list and make a formal proposal
for new policies to address these issues.

Before you do that, you might want to read the existing policy and see
what it says about "utilization". As near as I can see, the policy
accepts that an address range is "utilized" when the ISP says that it
is. So your competitor is probably compliant with ARIN's policies.

Beware of IP addressing folklore. There is a lot of opinion floating
around on the net about the rules under which IANA and ARIN manage
addresses. Most of it is folklore and does not have any basis in fact.
On more than one occasion I have run into a dead end trying to find out
something like the official reason for having a whois directory, or what
is the definition of "utilization".

--Michael Dillon

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