[arin-discuss] [ppml] Counsel statement on Legacy assignments?(fwd)

Jeremy Anthony Kinsey jer at mia.net
Fri Oct 5 10:45:21 EDT 2007

On Oct 5, 2007, at 8:56 AM, Thomas Leonard wrote:

> I happen to agree with the ARIN attorney.  Why should legacy  
> customers get a free ride.  We pay significantly more for our
> allotment, so should they.  If they paid a fair price, all of our  
> prices would be reduced.

Same here...  I would like to see a significant reduction in price...  
For what we get, vs. what we pay, to be honest, we just cannot afford  
to remain competitive in this business... It's like pulling teeth to  
get IP space as it is...  Our initial allotment is too small IMO, and  
to get more, frankly, is just not cost affective for us.  It is  
really disturbing; the wide range of price bias across the IP spectrum.
> In my geographical area it's becoming critical as a local  
> competitor has a legacy class B and can give away IP addresses as if
> they're water.  I can not and they have an unfair competitive  
> advantage.

My point exactly.. Again, WE  CANNNOT  REMAIN competitive, when our  
competitors can give away IP space like it is going out of style..  
Not too name names, but you have several companies out there that do  
not even adhere to ARIN's guidelines when it comes to proper  
justification of IP allocation.  Some are now offering hosting  
customers multiple class c ip space across hundreds of class c's..  
How can they do that?  How can I compete with that?    I am coming  
very close to just giving my allocation back, and collecting space  
from my upscales..
> We should all be treated the same.

I'd like to see something done by the end of the year... If I could  
go some where else, at this point, if their were  a competitor to  
ARIN... I'd be moving on.

This situation is pretty sad... I hope someone is listening.

Thank you.

Jeremy Anthony Kinsey
  e-mail: jer at mia.net
Bella Mia, Inc.                                      www.mia.net
401 Host Drive                              www.dslone.com
Lake Geneva, WI. 53147         www.hostdrive.com
Phone: (262)248-6759             www.bella-mia.com
Fax: (262)248-6959              www.thednsplace.com

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