[arin-discuss] Legacy RSA

Dean Anderson dean at av8.net
Tue Nov 6 11:22:36 EST 2007

On Tue, 6 Nov 2007, Howard, W. Lee wrote:
> >  That is why it's important to have regular audits of these groups.  
> > I would challenge you to investigate this, obtain and read the
> > auditors report and see what they had to say.
> The auditor's report is available at
> http://www.arin.net/about_us/corp_docs/annual_rprt.html

Enron, Worldcom, etc all had audits, too.  The classification and
justification of expenses is disputed here.  The audit _after_ these
disputes are resolved is the one that will be important.

An auditor can only look at the purported justification written on the
paperwork given for the expense and decide whether the purported
justification would be a valid expense in the category listed. They
cannot easilly detect if the justification is actually legitimate and
true.  An auditor can't tell if going to VON is a legitimate educational
outreach effort or a junket. They can't tell if transferring $50k to
Nanog is a legitimate educational outreach expense, or an improper
transfer to Board Member special interests. Auditors don't investigate
the interests of the Board Members.

So, an audit doesn't mean that the purported justifications and
classifications are _actually_ valid. An audit just means that, on the
face of it, the justifications seemed valid.


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