[arin-discuss] [info at arin.net: ACSP Suggestion 2007.15]

michael.dillon at bt.com michael.dillon at bt.com
Thu Jul 19 11:07:38 EDT 2007

> I'll assume that the folks who can't manage to unsubscribe 
> themselves from the list can't follow the technical 
> discussion, either.

Bad assumption. I decided to try and look at this issue like a normal
person would.

1. The emails on this list do *NOT* have a note at the bottom explaining
how to unsubscribe.

2. There is a message at the bottom with a URL that seems likely, but
when you go to that page it seems to be about *SUBSCRIBING* to the list,
not about unsubscribing.

ARIN needs to do three things.

A) make a web page that talks only about unsubscribing and makes it
clear right at the beginning, how to unsubscribe. The user should not
need to scroll down in order to unsubscribe.

B) Put a message at the bottom of every email telling people to use the
URL from A in order to unsubscribe from the list.

C) Stop assuming that everyone who deals with ARIN is a techno-geek.
It's simply not true and has not been true for several years now. Most
people who deal with IP addressing and ARIN relationship, are NORMAL

Note that C does not imply that people can't follow a technical
discussion related to IP addressing. It just means that they are not
technical experts in everything Internet-related.

--Michael Dillon

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