guideline for name-based web hosting justification

Matt Bailey mbailey at
Mon Sep 11 13:32:07 EDT 2000

For those of us that do accounting via IP how do you expect us to us Name
Based Virtuals? Until there is a method for accounting all traffic to a
domain name without using IP I see this as totally unreasonable. We base all
of our security filters and traffic filters on a customers IP assigned to
them. We also have hardware that can not support name based virtuals and
thus has a NIC card for each site? Explain IN DETAIL the method used to
account for these in our requests.

As example if I have 200,000 websites you want me to fit all of this into a
/32 or even a /24 that is TOTALLY unreasonable. DETAILS please on how you
are going to justify this?

Also why not go through the aollocations and start retreiving numbers back
from Companies and schools that have more than they need? All you are doing
is slowing down the Internet's growth. Make web hosting companies get to the
high %90 utils before allow more allocation.

I would like some input on this as I am sure the rest of the planet would as

Matthew S. Bailey

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-arin-discuss at [mailto:owner-arin-discuss at]On
Behalf Of Hyunseog Ryu
Sent: Monday, September 11, 2000 12:29 PM
To: hostnamster at
Cc: arin-discuss at
Subject: guideline for name-based web hosting justification

Dear Sir/Madam

Good morning!
I read new ARIN's policy regarding to web hosting.

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