[ARIN-consult] How does this improve Diversity? Community Consultation on Increasing the Size of the ARIN Board of Trustees

John Curran jcurran at arin.net
Fri May 12 12:10:43 EDT 2017

On 12 May 2017, at 11:55 AM, Azinger, Marla <Marla.Azinger at FTR.com<mailto:Marla.Azinger at FTR.com>> wrote:

Hi Jason

I would support modifying the next one or two seats up for election to have diversity qualifiers implemented into the requirements.

If someone can explain how adding seats in addition to diversity requirements will help, I will entertain that.

Marla -

   Adding additional seats will not assure Board diversity, nor would adding term limits.

   However, presuming that nominees with diverse background are on the slate of candidates
   for the election, then having more seats up for election provides additional opportunities for
   the membership to elect them as trustees (and even more so in any year that the number of
   openings exceeds the number of incumbents, such would be the case during the phase-in
   years of the three additional seats.)

   Does adding three more seats insure diversity of background on the Board?  Absolutely not.

   Does it provide increase opportunity for candidates with more diverse backgrounds to be
   elected?  I believe that is definitely the case, but will also be the first t admit that we could
   go through the process and end up with a larger Board no more diverse than at present.
   Such an outcome would be unfortunate, but would also be the result of clear member
   preference after a change specifically to encourage increased diversity, and thus quite
   informative regardless.


John Curran
President and CEO

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