[ARIN-consult] Community Consultation: Future Direction for the ARIN Fee Schedule

John Curran jcurran at arin.net
Sun Oct 12 10:20:37 EDT 2014

On Oct 12, 2014, at 9:40 AM, Alexander McMillen <amcmillen at sliqua.com> wrote:

> Hi John,
> Yes, proposal #3 addresses my requirements with regards to re-aligning the v6 fee for early adopters.

Alexander - 

That's good to know...  we've had several folks echo this concern both
on the mailing list and during the recent fee schedule discussion at 
the ARIN 34 meeting.

> In reviewing all of the proposals, I'm a fan of proposal #4 as it solves the issue of disproportionate costs between small and large providers, and actually would increase revenue for ARIN vs the result of proposal #2.

It is not at all clear if ARIN needs additional revenue at this time
(as we have been steadily adding to reserves for many years) but the 
point is noted.  It's possible that the strongest merit for proposal 
#4 is the ability to significantly lower the fees for those with 
smaller address holdings, i.e. $50 to $400 annual for more than half
of the ISP community.)

> I feel that having additional size categories will incentivize those with excessive v4 allocations (in particular resources that aren't in use) to return resources to the pool if there's significant cost associated to holding onto them.

Presently, those with larger address holdings do pay more for their 
corresponding registration services category, only with a limit to
the number of categories. If such a limit were removed, do you feel
that those with larger invoices would seek a corresponding larger
say in how ARIN is governed?

Thanks for your input on this important topic!

John Curran
President and CEO

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