[ARIN-consult] Community Consultation - Bulk WHOIS AUP

Owen DeLong owen at delong.com
Tue Jul 28 12:32:15 EDT 2009

On Jul 28, 2009, at 7:35 AM, prescott at wcoil.com wrote:

> I have to say that at first glance I am against any proposal that  
> would make bulk whois data easier to get.
> I have some questions I hope someone can answer:
> 1:  why/what prompted the request for this change?

I don't know, but, I do know of at least one organization that has a  
desire to use it.

> 2:  Why couldn't other organizations get permission/data directly  
> from arin?

They could.  However, the desire I am aware of is to be able to  
publish data that
results from analysis of ARIN whois data under some limitations with  
ARIN approval.
The desire is not to republish the entire bulk whois data to my  

> 3:  if ARIN has to be involved in the process either way, isn't it  
> just creating extra work anyway?
It would make available to the community (or portions of the  
community) aggregated statistical
and some additional types of distilled data that can be generated from  
the bulk whois data.
It allows forms of analysis and correlation that ARIN currently does  
not do.

I would cite more specific examples, but, much of what I am aware of  
is under NDA at this time.


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