[consult] Call for Consultation - Suggestion to Remove the WHOIS Query Result Limit

Edward Lewis Ed.Lewis at neustar.biz
Mon Mar 12 21:41:09 EDT 2007

What kinds of numbers are we looking at?

I mean, like, of all the "meaningful" queries, what would return the 
most?  How many would be over 1000?  When I say "meaningful" I am 
subjectively insinuating we don't care to honor data mining queries. 
(O *)

There are only two reasons to limit the number. Budget for servers 
and bandwith is one, the other is data mining.  It's hard to know 
what makes sense without more detail on why 256 is a problem and 
whether it should be, say, doubled or more.
Edward Lewis                                                +1-571-434-5468

Sarcasm doesn't scale.

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