[arin-announce] Notice to the ASO Community on Rejection Action to ICANN Board Resolutions

ARIN info at arin.net
Tue May 26 12:49:03 EDT 2020

Sent on behalf of the Number Resource Organization Number Council (NRO NC):

Dear RIR Community,

On 7 May 2020, the ICANN Board of Directors adopted resolutions
regarding the following:

  * FY21-25 Five Year ICANN Operating and Financial Plan
  * FY21 ICANN Operating Plan
  * FY21 ICANN Budget



The approved FY21-25 Five Year ICANN Operating and Financial Plan is
available at:

The FY21 ICANN Operating Plan is available beginning on page 177.

The FY21 ICANN Budget is available at:


These resolutions (FY21-25 Five Year ICANN Operating and Financial Plan,
FY21 ICANN Operational Plan and F21 ICANN Budget) are subject to
Rejection Action Petitions from the community.

The ASO as a Decisional Participant received a notice from the ICANN
Secretary pursuant to Section 22.4(a)(v) of the ICANN Bylaws.


Any member of the ASO community can submit a rejection petition on the
matter, if you are interested in submitting a Rejection Action Petition
to the ASO please consult Section 2 of Annex D of the ICANN Bylaws for
the requirements, which must be met by a Rejection Action Petition.


The deadline for submission of your Rejection Action Petition to the ASO
Secretariat ( secretariat at aso.icann.org ) is Friday 5 June 2020 at 23:59 PDT

Kind Regards,

German Valdez
ASO/NRO Secretariat.

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