Comments on Name Based Virtual Hosting Policy Recommendation

Jim Macknik jmacknik at
Fri Jun 8 15:03:36 EDT 2001

This is where it gets confusing. "Qualify" for what? If this is just to
gather information, then ARIN should be gathering information on why people
request address space for IP-based hosting, whether it's technical (SSL
requirements, etc.) or simply preference.

Once ARIN has gathered the information, then they can create a policy. But
to say that a justification document does not "qualify" for an
information-gathering stage doesn't work. It's either required by ARIN, then
reviewed for its validity and IP space is assigned after it is approved, or
it is required when space is requested from ARIN so that ARIN can collect
information, regardless of the space requested.

Otherwise, its a double standard and an excellent explanation for why people
do not understand what is being requested of them.

=- Mack -=


James M. Macknik
Manager, Systems Engineering
2401 15th St.
Denver, CO  80202
303/824.2506 (Office)
720/840.5329 (Cell)
jmacknik at

-----Original Message-----
From: Sweeting, John [mailto:John.Sweeting at]
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2001 11:47 AM
To: 'Charles Scott'; Sweeting, John
Cc: A. M. Salim; vwp at
Subject: RE: Comments on Name Based Virtualk Hosting Policy


Bill Darte, do you think it we can possibly change the wording to show that
the technical reasons are definitely not going to be evaluated at this time
for the purpose of approving the request? I also think that we need to
emphasize the fact that the technical reason must be a technical reason and
not an administrative reason (such as it is easier to do it this way or
costs less to do it this way) in order to qualify. What do you think?

-----Original Message-----
From: Charles Scott [mailto:cscott at]
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2001 1:39 PM
To: Sweeting, John
Cc: A. M. Salim; vwp at
Subject: RE: Comments on Name Based Virtualk Hosting Policy

  I only need quote from some of the earlier posts to show that confusion
exists with the current wording.

  "I really think we need ARIN to really lay down what "technical 
  justifications" there are for requesting IP space for IP-based hosting"

  "Since technical reasons can be pretty specific I agree with the fact
  that there should be a list of technical reasons to justify IP address 
  allocations and an escalation procedure to suggest new ones."

  If the people who wrote this understood the policy was for data
collection only, they probably would have argued that point. That they
were looking for a specific list indicates to me that they assumed the
policy meant that the supplied technical justifications would be evaluated
as part of the decision to assign space.


On Wed, 9 May 2001, Sweeting, John wrote:

> Please do not be confused. ARIN is not going to review the request but
> rather the technical reasons being supplied so that wheels can be set in
> motion to either solve the technical reasons (not necessarily something
> ARIN will do, but the Internet community as a whole) or accept the fact
> it is an issue that cannot be resolved and allow that to stand in the
> as an acceptable reason for using IP-based webhosting. No where is it
> inferred that ARIN will refuse address space based on the technical
> justification at this time.

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