transfer policy

Danny McPherson danny at
Tue May 16 14:28:54 EDT 2000

The problem with what you suggest it that it clearly 
requires ARIN to provide preferential treatment to 
some subset of it's customers.  

I for one don't believe that's something ARIN wants
to do.


> 	 The problem I see is that entities with no history are running through a
> transfer process that needs to be tightened overall.  This will have a cost
> impact in time and resources on both the 'customers' of ARIN and on ARIN
> resources.  I would much rather see the ARIN resources dedicated to
> preventing actions being taken by groups that may never deal with ARIN again
> vs. entities that I trust.  I am defining 'trust' as someone who will have
> to come back in the next few months anyway.  This can be documented and
> built into a policy.  We have different fees and policies for ISP's vs. end
> users anyway so I do not think this change is any more unequal.  It is based
> on the fact that while all people who deal with ARIN have similar needs in
> that they require IP addresses, there are in fact a very diverse group of
> entities in the memebrship.  It is fair to treat the organizations
> differently time wise as long as they all have to meet the same criteria in
> the end in my opinion.

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