PI/19 allocations to multihomed ISPs was Re: pagans...

Jim Fleming JimFleming at unety.net
Tue Jul 8 23:29:36 EDT 1997

On Tuesday, July 08, 1997 6:02 PM, Gordon Cook[SMTP:cook at netaxs.com] wrote:
@ Eric sez:
@ I strongly object to the way ARIN's board
@ is annointed.  It is not chosen by the members but by NSI.  That
@ annointed board then appoints the advisory council from which new BoT
@ members will come in the future.
@ >From what i know....or at least think I know....the ARIN board was most
@ definitely NOT chosen by NSI.  Why do you think it was?  because telage
@ the NSI president is on it?

Don Telage is no longer the President of NSI.
Gabe Batistta runs the show...since November 1996.
Don Telage is V.P. of Special Projects (or something similar)

@ Telage is an honorable man but unfortunately in my opinion, he does not 
@ "grok" the internet.  I do think the arin board would have a better
@ composition with justin newton or ken leland there in place of telage.
@ nevertheless Telage is spending a million dollars to cut arin loose
@ so I guess they figured it would be impolite to keep him off.
@ Still if he had stayed off it would have had a positive impact on NSIs
@ image in my opinion.

Don Telage wrote the NSI plan in response to the IAHC.
It is hard to imagine that he does not "grok" the Internet.

It is my impression that after Don cashes out on the NSI
IPO (along with other NSI people) then he and some others
will run ARIN. Don was the President of NSI when the NSF
was convinced to allow NSI to start charging for domain
registrations. What better person to lead the charge in
charging for IP addresses ? (no punn intended)

NSI has already started to divide the people and space.
It will be interesting to see where the Root Name Servers
end up in the shuffle. They are really part of the InterNIC
which is more Don Telage's domain.

The Domain Registration part of NSI (i.e. .COM, .NET and
.ORG) can now go off at arm's length with their own TLD
Name Servers separate from the Root Name Servers and
not look back. As long as delegations are added to a new
set of .COM servers, NSI will be clear of the InterNIC.
That appears to be the image that has been projected for
a long time at <http://www.netsol.com>.

Don Telage and the IP address people can ride out what
remains of the InterNIC and evolve it to ARIN. As noted in
the following, other parts of the InterNIC are being dismantled
and funded by the NSF.


The "original" InterNIC was supposed to have three
functions, IS, DS, and RS. Part of the IS function was
PR and education. Part of that function was Net Scout
and other activities.

When the NSF mismanaged the IS function and did not
replace the contractor, Network Solutions, Inc. (the RS
contractor moved in an picked up some of the IS tasks)

Now it appears that the NSF is slowly dismantling the
InterNIC but continuing to fund the activities. This allows
NSI to exit from the contract without supporting these

People claim the NSF is no longer funding the InterNIC.
Here is another $3 million that is essentially funding what
used to be part of the InterNIC.

P.S. Don Mitchell the Program Manager below was the
InterNIC Program Manager. Larry Landweber helped found the


@@@@@ http://www.nsf.gov/cgi-bin/showaward?award=9712163

NSF Award Abstract - #9712163

Net Scout Internet Resource Discovery and Search Technologies

Latest Amendment Date May 15, 1997
Award Number 9712163
Award Instr.Continuing Grant
Prgm Manager Donald Mitchell
Start Date May 1, 1997
Expires April 30, 2000 (Estimated)
Expected Total Amt. $3,074,016 (Estimated)
Investigator Lawrence H Landweber ihl at cs.wisc.edu
Susan Calcari
Sponsor U of Wisconsin Madison
750 University Ave
Madison, WI 537061490 608/262-1234
NSF Program 4090 NSFNETFld Applictn0206000 Telecommunications


The Net Scout project is an Internet resource location and technology
service oriented primarily to the higher education community. It currently
provides four services that are used by thousands of faculty, staff, and
students in higher education: the Scout Report, Net Happenings, the
Scout Toolkit, and the KIDS Report. The Scout Report is a weekly
electronic newsletter summarizing the best new Internet resources of
use to higher education. Net Happenings is an electronic service that
provides immediate notification of 50-70 Internet announcements each
day via a mailing list, a newsgroup, and a Web site. The Scout Toolkit
summarizes the best Internet search services and other tools needed
by researchers and educators to use the Internet effectively. The KIDS
Report is a biweekly newsletter written by students in elementary, middle,
and high school classrooms who select and describe the Web sites
they find the most interesting and useful. The Net Scout project will
continue and expand these services in two ways: First, to provide
additional services, including publication of three biweekly Scout Reports
produced by specialists in the specific areas of Science and Engineering,
Social Sciences, and Business and Economics, and, second, to implement
new tools which aid in the location of Internet resources in a specific
subject area. A prototype service will be built using as its initial base
the three year archive of the highly selective resources that have been
included in the Scout Report. Specialized authenticated collections
of quality resources at higher education institutions will also be
identified and included in the prototype. http://wwwscout.cs.wisc.edu/ 


Jim Fleming
Unir Corporation

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