ARIN - Canada and Mexico

Jim Fleming JimFleming at
Fri Feb 28 11:32:01 EST 1997

Several people have asked about Canada and Mexico.

>From what I can tell, Canada is not represented on the
proposed ARIN Board of Trustees. Is there a reason ?

Also, Canada and Mexico are each countries with their
own internal structure. How they choose to organize
the management of Internet resources in their country
is probably best left up to them.

I would think that each country would be capable of
having the proper officials from their country contact
the proper officials in the U.S. to discuss their
allocations of Internet resources. This holds for all
countries in the world.

Please note that just because resources are allocated
to a registry operating somewhere in the U.S., this
does not preclude that registry from doing business
with a company in a foreign country. We have already
seen that situation where many Canadian companies
register in the .COM domain managed in the State
of Virginia. I assume the Canadians pay $50 per year
to the U.S. registry.

There are two issues that people seem to have
trouble separating. One is where is the registry
located and the other is where are the IP addresses

At the present time, as far as I know, the U.S. DOD
has not declared IP addresses to be weapons. IP
addresses appear to be exported without control.
Here is an interesting example:

>@ >Colombia	HOCOL S.A. (NET-SHELL-1)

When IP addresses are exported ALONG WITH
the registry duties then the U.S. loses the potential
revenue that comes from being able to lease those
IP addresses.

People that casually export billions of dollars in potential
IP address leasing fees will have to account for their

People can criticize me for suggesting that the
U.S. Government spread this billion dollar market
across the 50 U.S. States. I hope that you people get
to testify before the U.S. House and Senate with your

Jim Fleming
Unir Corporation

JimFleming at
JimFleming at unety.s0.g0 (EDNS/IPv8)

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