The future of SWIP

ginny listman ginny at
Wed Jan 31 12:49:55 EST 2001

Does anyone comment on which option you prefer?

Definitions, as they pertain to this document:

Assignment - When address space is provided to and utilized by the End
Allocation - When address space is provided to an entity, who further
allocates and/or assigns the space.
Upstream - Entity who received address space directly from ARIN.
Downstream - Entity who received address space from an Upstream.

1. Changes to the SWIP template are required in either option.  These
changes will be minor, and due to SWIPs being critical, ARIN will accept
both old and new templates for an extended period.
2. If an entity wishes to allocate/re-allocate, they are required to
register basic Organization information to include: organization name,
address, and points of contact. 
3. This policy is in regard to allocations.  For assignments, all Org 
information will still be required and provided from the Upstream.

Option 1 - The Upstream registers the Downstream's Organization
1. This is the current method of processing SWIP templates.
2. There would be 1 additional field on SWIP template, to allow submitter
to enter the Maintainer ID along with, or to replace all other
Organization information.

1. Will allow the submitter to enter either an existing Maintainer ID, OR
the required address and POC information.  May reduce required input for

1. Potential to have multiple Maintainer ID for a single entity.
2. May result in multiple POC handles for same POCs.

Option 2 - The Downstream registers the Downstream's Organization
1. A single field, Maintainer ID, will replace the Organization
information including POCs, on the SWIP template.
2. There will be a reallocation flag in the database for each
organization.  When an organization is registered, by default it will be
set to 'N'.  Upon receiving its first allocation, it will be changed to 
3. ARIN will reserve the right to delete from the database, an
Organization that has not had any networks associated with it, i.e. a
reallocation flag of 'N'.  ARIN will send out notification at n number of
days, and delete in n+30 number of days.

1. Maintainer ID is controlled by Downstream, allowing Downstream to
update pertainent information.
2. Cleaner data.
3. Facilitates managing multi-homed companies, in the whois database.
4. Organizations that are currently registered via an AS, will have a 
Maintainer ID.  It will not be necessary to get any additional

1. Maintainer ID is required to process SWIP template.
2. Requires additional registration from Downstream, and education from
Upstream on ARIN registration procedures.
3. May lead to many Organizations being processed through the
registration/deletion cycle without associated resources.

Other things to consider:
1. The Upstream still owns the resources, and will still have the
authority to give and remove the networks associated with a Downstream.
If a Downstream winds up with multiple Maintainer IDs, they must go 
through the Upstream to change.

Ginny Listman
Director of Engineering

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