[arin-ppml] ARIN / Microsoft press release regarding IP address Transfers

Milton L Mueller mueller at syr.edu
Sat Apr 16 12:29:08 EDT 2011


> -----Original Message-----
> The press release explicitly stated that "The transfer of IP resources
> to Microsoft took place using this relatively new policy."  That could
> only refer to NRPM 8.3, the only "relatively new policy" regarding

[Milton L Mueller] 

Don't look at the press release, look at the facts. 
> Ergo, Microsoft must have received these resources under RSA.

[Milton L Mueller] 

A press release claims something, ergo: it's true? Sorry. Not happy about this, but the press release was a form of face-saving. Facts are facts. The sale took place in a private agreement brokered by a private address brokerage company. The party selling the resources never signed any agreement with ARIN, whether RSA or LRSA. MS (the buyer) received the resources under an LRSA, not the standard RSA. No needs assessment was performed. In other words, the transfer took place completely outside of ARIN's transfer policy. ARIN intervened at the 11th hour to salvage as much of a connection to the situation as it could.

> Or are you accusing ARIN staff of knowingly violating the NRPM and/or
> ARIN's President and CEO of issuing a fraudulent press release?

[Milton L Mueller] 

I have no interest in accusing anyone of anything. I just don't want people to have a false idea of what happened. 
Whether the factual situation as reflected in the bankruptcy documents constitutes a use of ARIN's new policy is an empirical matter. What action ARIN members and the Board take will, I presume, be based on their assessment of the facts.


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