[ppml] Policy Proposal 2007-6 - Abandoned

Jo Rhett jrhett at svcolo.com
Tue May 22 19:32:02 EDT 2007

On May 22, 2007, at 4:14 PM, Paul Vixie wrote:

>> Painful is getting a lot of use around here, and so far nothing I've
>> seen described strikes me as painful.
> how about if you have downstreams and when you renumber you have to  
> give
> each of them a chance to consider changing to a different vendor  
> (possibly
> one who won't force them to renumber as often)?

We're a colo facility, so it's all downstream and yes we've had to  
face this.

I was instrumental in changing our policies to force renumbering  
*AND* return of the original space, and I've been the point of  
contact for all the pain.  I have personally taken on the migration  
efforts for those customers, and personally assisted them with the  
migrations.  Nobody here has felt the pain more than me, and frankly  
there really wasn't all that much.

So far it hasn't cost us a single customer, and we're more in danger  
of filling up our 5th building right now and not having space to sell.

Look, IP migration was a pain in the a** when MPE/IX was common and  
everything was hardcoded.  I hated my job during the NAVSEA/Milnet IP  
migration.  But that was nearly 20 years ago, and none of the  
problems we faced then exist any more.  IP migrations are only  
painful to people who hardcode IPs and then fail to document them as  
dependancies.  And lack of planning isn't really something that ARIN  
is supposed to provide aspirin for.

FYI: there are real situations that renumbering is painful.  Paul, I  
think you've got a few in hand that you can spin out and I can't  
deny.  But they are fairly rare, and a lot less common than how often  
it has been trotted out on this list.

Jo Rhett
senior geek

Silicon Valley Colocation
Support Phone: 408-400-0550

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