[ppml] Legacy users and ARIN duties

James Hess mysidia at gmail.com
Mon Jul 30 21:04:01 EDT 2007

On 7/30/07, Dean Anderson <dean at av8.com> wrote:

> Looks like the ARIN board didn't get its facts straight in May.  There
> should be smart people on the board, who understand rationing.
> [...]
>  "WHEREAS, ongoing community access to Internet Protocol version 4
>   (IPv4) numbering resources can not be assured indefinitely; and,"
> Through rationing based on a decreasing exponential, the IPv4 addresses
> can be assured indefinitely, certainly beyond the next 10+ years.  The
> pain of depletion, instead of being felt all at once, could be spread
> out over a long period.

The moment anyone requesting an allocation cannot get the IP addresses
they need from ARIN, that they meet the justification criteria for, depletion
has impacted them, and it's every bit as severe as if ARIN had run out of
ip addresses altogether.

It would be even more severe if the number of requests explodes as a
result of ARIN not properly allocating the number of addresses needed.

Not giving people the addresses they need doesn't really delay depletion, it
accelerates it.

The policy _already_ is to ration IP addresses, they are not allocated
freely in as much quantity as anyone asks, addresses are already
allocated based on justified need, and not in excess amounts.

The rate at which people come to need additional IP addresses is not
something ARIN has control over, and yet it's ARIN's responsibility to
efficiently allocate the addresses needed.


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