[arin-discuss] urgency of IPv6

Steve Bertrand steve at ipv6canada.com
Tue Jun 29 22:33:17 EDT 2010

On 2010.06.29 22:22, Steve Bertrand wrote:
> On 2010.06.29 16:07, Paul G. Timmins wrote:
>> I also created http://www.ipv6chicken.com/ which has a comically large photo of a chicken that can help you diagnose path MTU issues. If you are on IPv6 it will show you your address.
> I must admit that I like your pmtud test. That is the primary issue that
> I've had to express to v6 `newbs', amongst other things.
> John's comment earlier regarding having the client IP(v6) address
> displayed on the arin.net site is a great one. I had to take a look at
> my sites, and only an ancient one does this. I did not know that
> displaying the visitor IP was proper practice. I learn every day.
> fwiw, this old site of mine has always done it (please disregard the
> content...):
> http://ww3.ibctech.ca/
> ...so I'll have to add the IP of the client to my current site. As it
> is, my site only does math on the percent of v6 visitors/month, not
> their current IP.
> Cheers to v6 work.

Also, you can attempt a web visit to http://onlyv6.com

...or an email to steve at onlyv6.com to really test your availability (if
you can reach me, then your entire infrastructure, including DNS
recursive servers work properly).

The domain has v6 glue only, and no A records whatsoever.

Note that the content has not been updated. Not many people see it ;)


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