[arin-discuss] IPv6 End User Assignments

Dan White dwhite at olp.net
Thu May 7 11:11:17 EDT 2009

Joe Maimon wrote:
> Dan White wrote:
>> To me, the conservative approach is to assign a /48 to each customer. 
>> To do so means that they will never need to ask for more addresses 
>> again (in most cases), regardless of their size...
> But you, the ISP, will need to ask for more, depending on size. Fail.

Please tell me when and how that will happen. I'll be sure to let 
management know!

In all seriousness, I do not ever expect a company of my size and 
business model to need more addresses, but if I do, ARIN staff have 
already planned ahead:

2610:b8::/32 - allocated to me

The next block of allocated addresses is 2610:c0::/32, which means that 
potentially I could grow in to a /29 without renumbering or creating 
additional routing slots - until they need to allocate those blocks to 
someone else.

The point is if you assign your addresses based on future need rather 
than current need (which I believe is the wisest approach), then you 
have to ability to maintain a more static network, and a more stable 
routing table, among other benefits.

- Dan

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