[arin-discuss] IPv6 End User Assignments

Joe Maimon jmaimon at chl.com
Thu May 7 10:50:23 EDT 2009

Dan White wrote:
> To me, the conservative approach is to assign a /48 to each customer. 
> To do so means that they will never need to ask for more addresses 
> again (in most cases), regardless of their size...

But you, the ISP, will need to ask for more, depending on size. Fail.

> > A /32 is not sufficient for a default allocation of /48 per customer.
> > That makes it effectively only 16 times larger than an ipv4 /20
> I have two /20 IPv4 allocations, which gives me 8192 possible 
> customers (and I have many less than that). I have a /32 IPv6 
> allocation which gives me 65536 possible customers at /48, which 
> should easily last me 30 years to retirement!

Its great that for you making IPv6 effectively *only* 16 times larger 
than ipv4 works out well. However, I think its bad policy.

> - Dan

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