[arin-discuss] Importance of Corporate Governance

michael.dillon at bt.com michael.dillon at bt.com
Tue Feb 5 11:02:15 EST 2008

> it has been.  dozens and dozens of times of the years.  dean 
> is playing the neo-con playbook:  just repeat the same lies 
> and wait until peopel get tired of correcting them.

It's funny that you see Dean's style as neo-con. Back in my
university days we had several very active Marxist-Leninist groups
on our campus, one of which took over management of the student
weekly newspaper for a while. All of the rhetoric and strategy
that Dean is using were a daily staple of the Marxist-Lenists.
Smoke everywhere, but no fire. The problem is that by doing
this they managed to disrupt the normal operation of life until
everybody woke up to the fact that they were just a bunch of 

There is a real risk here to ARIN if this kind of activity continues.

> one of the things that is going on 
> here is that so many of us have dean on our personal 
> killfiles and have vowed to not feed the trolls that he is 
> given free reign to propagate nonsense on the list without 
> correction.  in general, that's a good policy.  in this case 
> i believe that some people, such as yourself, may be left 
> with the mistaken believe that there is something credible 
> (or nefarious) here, when there is, instead, just a 
> reasonable decision to mostly ignore someone who has very 
> little credibility.

That's what happened back in university. The Marxist-Leninists 
conned a bunch of students to believe that there really was
some fire behind the smoke, and then used those students to
be the more public face of their campaign. This is why their
activity was so disruptive. It is easy to ignore a few nutcases
but it is not so easy to ignore seemingly normal people, who
clearly are not Marxist-Leninists, but who express the same 
concerns. I have no doubt that Dean is trying to recruit some 
suckers from this list to support him in his campaign.

> dean now wants the name of the individual lawyer who 
> offered that opinion.  why?  who knows?

Dean wants to spend OUR money by forcing us to pay legal
fees so that our lawyer can waste time talking to Dean.

--Michael Dillon

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