[ARIN-consult] Consultation on Approaches for Adjusting the ARIN Registration Services Plan Fee Schedule

Adam Brenner adam at aeb.io
Sat Apr 6 00:26:07 EDT 2024

On 4/3/24 09:40, (ARIN) wrote:
> Option B
> Introduce a structured approach to fee adjustments, allowing
> for an annual increase of no more than 5%, subject to
> approval by the Board of Trustees. This strategy aims to
> offer a predictable and manageable escalation in fees,
> aligning more closely with the budget planning processes of
> many organizations within our community.

As an active ARIN member who holds valid IP and ASN resources I strongly 
urge the rejection of option B.

If Option B was to pass, ARIN would be disincentivized to be fiscally 
conservative with fees collected from the community.

(1) Vendors that ARIN uses could increase their fees knowing ARIN can 
afford it by increase membership fees up to 5% with limited community 
involvement. ARIN would lose one tool for rate negotiation should option 
B be adopted.

(2) The ARIN organization *might* unofficially adopt a "use it or lose" 
budget policy. Suppose multiple consecutive fee increases were requested 
and approved under the proposed Option B, but the budget was never fully 
spent. The organization might find ways to spend the budget in order to 
justify its current spending but also preserve the option for future fee 

I am not saying the above is occurring, but could conceivably happen 
sometime in the future should the board adopt option B.

If ARIN leadership (John Curran, et al.) feel they need to increase fees 
in order to effectively run the organization, they should follow 
existing procedures -- submit a budget proposal, consult period with 
community regarding increase in fees, etc.

Nothing, as it stands today, prevents ARIN leadership from using 
existing processes to increase fees as little or frequently to 
effectively run the organization.

Again, I strongly urge that Option B *not* be adopted.

Adam Brenner

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