Comments on Name Based Virtualk Hosting Policy Recommendation

Bill Darte billd at
Thu May 10 10:17:28 EDT 2001

Charles Scott wrote:
> When an ISP submits a request for IP address space to be used 
> for IP-based
> web hosting, they will supply, for informational purposes only, their
> technical justification for this practice. ARIN will collect 
> this data for
> future consideration of a formal policy on IP based web hosting.

I have no problem with this addition. It captures the intent.
> Further, ISP's are encouraged to conserve IP address space across the
> board where technically feasable and to assist their 
> customers in doing so
> on downstream networks.
I am not in favor of such an addition, because it is covered by the policy
preface and in the spirit of all ARIN policy and operations, and is
therefore redundant...IMHO.

Bill Darte

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