Example of IP web issue in the press

Joe DeCosta decosta at bayconnect.com
Wed Jan 3 23:01:15 EST 2001

Ooh gawd, can there be any more of comedy in this article talk about
poetic justice :-)

"Charles T. Smith, Jr." wrote:
> Note the last part...
> --
> *****************************************************
> Edupage is a service of EDUCAUSE, an international nonprofit
> association dedicated to transforming education through
> information technologies.
> *****************************************************
> [text deleted]
> Internet filter programs are blocking access to many
> non-offensive Web sites because of the high incidence of words
> and phrases the filters search for, according to a study from
> Peacefire.org. For example, the Cybersitter program identifies
> an Amnesty.org news article as sexually explicit for containing
> the phrase "at least 21." The phrase, however, is used to
> describe the number of casualties in an international shooting
> incident. Politicians in the United States and elsewhere want
> filtering software to become a standard tool of libraries and
> schools, but numerous students are complaining that such software
> actually hampers their schoolwork. Such complaints prompted
> Peacefire to run several filtering programs through a list of
> Amnesty International-related sites. The results of the study
> show that the software blocks more news sites than sexually
> oriented sites, Peacefire claims. Ironically, the Realtime
> Blackhole List is blocking the Peacefire Web site because the
> program discovered an unrelated site on the same Web hosting
> service that could potentially send spam.
> (Cnet, 15 December 2000)

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