Things that need to be addressed

Scott Rogers SRogers at
Wed Oct 25 11:47:15 EDT 2000


The original problem with HTTP/1.1 "Name Based" virtual servers from my
perspective as a Co-Locations/Dedicated server facility hosting virtual web
hosts was that not all browsers supported it (e.g. AOL and CompuServe)
and although you may not like their service, you can't ignore their customer
base.  Enough time and versions have gone by that most end-users now
have browsers that will support it.

Now the issue from my customer's perspective is that the ajor search engines
do not yet support the HTTP/1.1 "Name Based" Virtual servers.  This has been
the major contension point between us and our customers in trying to get
to use name based rather than IP based web site.

Please excuse my restating what may be the obvious above.

Has anyone from the working group contacted the search engines to see
they will be supporting this.

Scott W. Rogers  <SRogers at>   +1-410-558-2750   (Fax:
Network/Systems/Security Engineer -- SkyNetWEB, Ltd.  An Affinity Internet,
Inc. Company
3500 Boston St. #231  --  Baltimore, Maryland 21224

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