Things that need to be addressed

Steve Pierce Steve.Lists at
Mon Nov 6 18:28:19 EST 2000

Hi David,

you wrote:
>> ARIN cannot force A holders to give anything back,
>> nor restrict them from future allocations, in my
>> opinion.

But isn't ARIN in effect restricting new address allocation right now by
mandating IP-less addressing for small carriers and hosts and denying
requests for new address blocks?

The FCC can, when it is determined that spectrum is not being used in the
best interest of the public at large, take back that spectrum and reallocate
it. We may want to consider IP address space like spectrum. Might it be
possible as part of the anti-trust approval for a future super Telco merger
that the large carriers agree to give up duplicative address space within 1
to two years after merging.

By tightening up the address space for the largest carriers it will get them
thinking about a way to address the needs if IP conservation like IP-less
hosting while solving the problem of filtering. Think about it. If all cars
were made in Saudi Arabia, do you really think the car manufacturers would
be worried about fuel mileage? Until it is painful for both large and small
carrier, it is unlikely this problem can be solved in an equitable manner.

David, I like what you said when you wrote:
>> There has to be a better way to approach this - I just
>> hope one of us can happen upon it. :|

I think it is possible to come up some other workable solution but until we
can recognize and accept that we have a problem, no other solution will

Forcing ip-less addresses without solving the problem of filtering will only
force people to use deception to acquire additional address space. That
would seem to defeat the purpose of trying to conserve address space as
addresses would be allocated to those who could B.S. the best.

 - Steve

Steve Pierce, HDL
Direct: (734) 482-9682
mailto:Steve at |

-----Original Message-----
From: David R Huberman [mailto:huberman at]
Sent: Monday, November 06, 2000 5:56 PM
To: Steve Pierce
Subject: RE: Things that need to be addressed

Hi Steve,

While I agree with you in principle, I find your suggestions for
solving the problem unrealistic. ARIN cannot force A holders to
give anything back, nor restrict them from future allocations, in
my opinion.

There has to be a better way to approach this - I just hope one
of us can happen upon it. :|


    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
                         DAVID R HUBERMAN
                  Manager, Global IP Addressing
                Global Crossing - IP Engineering

1410 Esplanade Drive #443                     Tel: (917) 498-1679
Reston, Virginia 20194                        FAX: (408) 734-0451

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