Search Engines/IP restrictions/policy changes

Torsey, Brian btorsey at
Wed Sep 6 14:50:19 EDT 2000

The problem with telling people what would qualify as an exception ...
suddenly every request for IP addresses seems to need routable IP addresses
for that reason.

Its human nature ... people want what they want ... and you give them a way
to get it, all they have to do is lie.

I know many of you would be shocked to see that customers/salespeople/etc
lie about what they need. (<----sarcasim for those just joining us).

I am looking forward to the Q&A at the ARIN meeting next month.

I know I have alot of "What the #@$#@ were you thinking?" type questions as

Brian Torsey

-----Original Message-----
From: Charles Scott [mailto:cscott at]
Sent: Wednesday, September 06, 2000 2:17 PM
To: policy at
Subject: RE: Search Engines/IP restrictions/policy changes

On Wed, 6 Sep 2000, Torsey, Brian wrote:

> As for the policy on IP addresses and Virtual Web hosting ... it did not
> come out of the blue.
> Most people I know saw it coming for about a year. It just went from
> "strongly advised against" to "against policy".

  Agreed that this policy didn't come "out of the blue". I think what
caught most everyone off guard was that it was such a strong policy with
so little mention of exceptions, dispite the fact that there had been
some discussions that exceptions would be necessary.
  I also think that a strict implimentation of the policy with minimal
room for exceptions would leave Web hosting operations feeling singled out
since there's significant other areas where efficiency can be improved.
  Perhaps what this comes down to is how it's implimented. I wonder if
anyone's had any experience yet dealing with this policy in a real
allocation request? It would also be interesting to hear if anyone has had
experience yet with any providers invoking this policy for downstream Web

Chuck Scott

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