IP Space

Clayton Lambert Clay at exodus.net
Thu Oct 26 13:47:48 EDT 2000

That is the TRUTH.

The fact that the policy allows for non-compliant implementations by virtue
of documenting them, we have the ability to analyze the data and determine
better policy development going forward.

The MS folk get the IPs they need and the registry gets the ability to steer
policy and documentation requirements in a more effective manner.


-----Original Message-----
From: Alex Kamantauskas [mailto:alexk at tugger.net]
Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2000 9:14 PM
To: AveHost.com Staff
Cc: Clayton Lambert; 'Policy at Arin. Net'
Subject: RE: IP Space

On Wed, 25 Oct 2000, AveHost.com Staff wrote:

> Since the policy of restricting IP's for hosting has been suspended, I
> think their is, thank goodness, some realization that the alternative
> solutions and work-arounds for IP-based SSL, etc are not as clear-cut and
> broadly applicable as once thought, as there are some of us that think
> Unix is a FOUR LETTER word.

 And some of those who think that STANDARDS is a nine-letter word.  Maybe
 if it were a word Microsoft was a little more concerned with we wouldn't
 be having this discussion in the first place.

Alex Kamantauskas
alexk at tugger.net

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