transfer process

Henry Clark henryc at
Thu May 11 06:07:49 EDT 2000

At 02:39 PM 5/10/00 -0600, Jason Redisch wrote:
>I agree.  The main point is to put off the initial IP justification until
>the next scheduled period.   There is little point in taking up time of both
>sides one month for a transfer justification and a month later for an
>additional address request. 

As the saying goes "You can pay me now, or pay me later, but ya still 
gotta pay me".

Why wouldn't you get stuff cleaned up at the time of the transfer and
avoid yourself significant grief when you're under time pressure to
obtain more address space?  The alternative is to have folks screaming
at you when you're under the gun to get more space and waste time
cleaning up your allocations, which seems less than optimal to me.

You're going to spend the same amount of time doing the work; so you
might as well just get it done and make the next round of "more please"
more pleasant for everyone involved.


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