FW: Odd...?

Michael Dillon michael at priori.net
Sun Nov 2 18:38:12 EST 1997

On Sun, 2 Nov 1997, Jim Fleming wrote:

> Does it strike you as "odd" that there
> are almost no e-mail addresses on the
> ARIN web site

Not at all. Things are just getting started and there are lots of minor
details that need to be worked on as is usual in any new organization. I'm
quite content to have my email address listed in a mailto: URL even though
I know it will mean more SPAM in my mailbox from web scrapers.

Michael Dillon                    voice: +1-650-482-2840
Senior Systems Architect            fax: +1-650-482-2844
PRIORI NETWORKS, INC.              http://www.priori.net

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