Let us all bend over, apply the Vaseline...

Jim Fleming JimFleming at unety.net
Sat May 3 20:05:34 EDT 1997

On Saturday, May 03, 1997 2:09 PM, Jon Lewis[SMTP:jlewis at inorganic5.fdt.net] wrote:
@ On Wed, 30 Apr 1997, Michael Dillon wrote:
@ > Any ISP that can afford a multihoming-capable router and 
@ > two upstream Internet connections should have no problems with 
@ > $2500/year for their portable address space. As you point out, it's a mere
@ > drop in the bucket, 30 cents per year per host address.
@ Are you sure of that?  Do you run an ISP trying to scrape together the
@ money to multihome?  Do you sit around at night wondering if it's worth
@ trying to hack together a BGP router with a P100 and ET cards or just wait
@ until you can afford a 4500M or better?
@ > Most ISP's will not be multihoming, therefore will not need
@ > portable address space and therefore, most ISPs will not be paying this
@ Most ISP's in what time period?  I personally think that if the telco's
@ and other giants ever get serious about providing internet service with
@ clues, many (but certainly not all) smaller ISP's will be unable to
@ compete.  Those that do stay in business will require the reliability of a
@ multihomedmed internet connection.
@ ------------------------------------------------------------------
@  Jon Lewis <jlewis at fdt.net>  |  Unsolicited commercial e-mail will
@  Network Administrator       |  be proof-read for $199/hr.
@ ________Finger jlewis at inorganic5.fdt.net for PGP public key_______

Of course Mr. Dillon does not sit around and
do that at night. He sold his interest in his ISP.
He cashed out.

@@@@@ http://www.ispc.org/board/michael.html

"After selling his share in the ISP business at the end
of 1996, Michael continued to share his knowledge on
these mailing lists to help ensure that the independent
ISP industry is a strong and vibrant one. He now acts
as an ISP and Internet consultant."


Jim Fleming
Unir Corporation

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