InterNIC 2000 - v1.0

Kim Hubbard kimh at
Wed Mar 12 15:44:22 EST 1997

> While it is nice to see that the InterNIC has hit the one
> million domain name mark, and feels it has handled the
> growth well. There are some things that do not match.
> For example, people keep hearing reports that the
> InterNIC is losing money and that ARIN needs to be
> launched because the InterNIC can not afford to pay
> for the activity. This does not seem to be what businesses
> would call a "proven success".

The only place people keep hearing this report is from you, over and
over again.  Your assertion that InterNIC/NSI cannot afford to pay
for IP registration is false.  

Please read the ARIN proposal, it clearly states why ARIN is being proposed.

Kim Hubbard

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