Costing (was Class "B" forsale)

Michael Dillon michael at MEMRA.COM
Mon Mar 10 14:05:37 EST 1997

On Mon, 10 Mar 1997, Stephen Satchell wrote:

> >The same would follow for all non-USA territories, where no thought has
> >been given to the affordability or responsibility for THEIR networks.

> I find it interesting that in all the disussions about revenue streams that
> no one has brought up this question before.  Now we have the spectre of the
> cost of currency exchange and the ability for the Central- and
> South-American countries to use the service.

Companies in South America don't ever have to join ARIN. They have the
option of joining ARIN and using its services. However, they also have the
option of creating their own CIR (Centro de Información de la Red, Centro
de Informação da Red) at any time. If the membership and subscription fees
for ARIN seem excessive by South American standards then that's just one
more reason for them to get organized.

Perhaps they are just waiting and watching how ARIN works out so they
can learn from our experiences.

Michael Dillon                   -               Internet & ISP Consulting
Memra Software Inc.              -                  Fax: +1-250-546-3049             -               E-mail: michael at

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