FTC to Resolve Domain Issues

Gordon Cook cook at NETAXS.COM
Tue Jun 10 07:13:39 EDT 1997

oh horseshit fleming!!!!!


yes FTC has a seat on brian kahin's idiotic DNS interagency working group,
but show me something specific from the FTC that says they are doing
something on their own.  you have not done this so far.

you are a raving lunatic who understand little about the problems of thge
net and the unfortunate problem seems to be that you rave so incesantly
that some bureaucrats of marginal intelligence appear to be on the verge
of believing the poisonous vaqpor that you spew forth.....

yes the feds are involved and their involvement may well screw up the net
for everyone...their ignorance and your is appaling.


return flames will not be answered

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