The NSI Transition and ARIN

Kim Hubbard kimh at
Mon Jul 28 14:49:03 EDT 1997


Please do not copy the naipr list to discuss NAIR.  If people are
interested in NAIR than they can join your mailing list.

> Dave Stoddard makes some excellent points in these notes....
> ARIN was formed about the same time as NSI's transition.
> @@@
> "NSI completely replaced senior level management about nine
> 	   months ago.  Most of those folks were responsible for the arrogant,
> 	   unresponsive attitude that NSI displayed for so many years.  NSI
> 	   replaced those folks with the most qualified people they could
> 	   find.  For example, Gabe Battista, NSI's CEO, was President of
> 	   Cables and Wireless before coming to NSI last year.  Dave Holtzman
> 	   was one of IBM's most-talented senior engineers, and also has a
> 	   substantial business background.  There are dozens of other
> 	   examples throughout the organization.
> ....
> So if your idea of the InterNIC is two engineers, two computers, and
> 	a half-dozen support personnel with an attitude, forget it -- it is
> 	not that way anymore.  Dave Holtzman wants to make the InterNIC a
> 	world-class support organization that puts reliability and customer
> 	support first.  From what I have seen, he is well on his way ...
> 	Dave Stoddard
> 	US Net Incorporated
> 	301-572-5926
> 	dgs at
> @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
> NAIR has to make sure that it avoids the "attitude" problem...
> If NAIR focuses on education and helping people and
> providing good customer service, it can be an asset to
> the overall Internet community. NAIR can spring from the
> cooperative efforts of many people on the Internet and
> not be the result of some "corporate reorg". This will only
> happen if we focus on the near term goals and the next
> steps that need to be taken....
> --
> Jim Fleming
> Unir Corporation

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