Ben elgin is just about as clueful as the posts hilzenrath was Re: Experts question funding, structure of IP allocation entity

Larry Vaden vaden at
Wed Jul 9 19:57:19 EDT 1997

At 07:24 PM 7/9/97 -0400, Gordon Cook wrote:
>Nice try Larry but you strike out and so does Ben Elgin.
>Elgin is about as clueful as hizenrath.
... sig
>On Wed, 9 Jul 1997, Larry Vaden wrote:
>> >From <>
>> However, the continued reliance on appointing board and council members as
>> outlined in the ARIN document, has many industry insiders wondering if new
>> blood and fresh ideas will be able to gain power within the organization. 

Gordon, <> says, in part:

"It is important that the general membership be involved in the selection
of the Board of Trustees, however it is equally imperative that the
selection of trustees be a well-thought out process that would not
jeopardize the viability of the management of ARIN and would be fair to all

Sounds like the French aristocracy doesn't think the French peasants are
qualified enough to be on the initial board.  Further, if the phrase in the
above sentence were correct,   it would be a(n) (equally) balanced board,

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