Which ISPs are Qualified ?

Larry Vaden vaden at texoma.net
Wed Jul 9 15:09:44 EDT 1997

At 02:15 PM 7/9/97 -0400, Vince Wolodkin wrote:
>Problem with the "Turing" test is that it is to subjective.  I would
>agree that Kim could likely tell who knew but in the long run, this
>method CANNOT work because it has the "appearance" of impropriety.  If
>you want to certify people you are going to have to come up with a test.
>I have heard that Cisco has a certification program but understand that
>to receive that particular certification is quite difficult.  Perhaps
>the router manufacturers could step in and provide a certification test
>of sorts.  After all, it is to their advantage, it's their routers that
>cannot handle the routes.
>Vince Wolodkin

I think I'll keep visiting Vince's and digitalink.com's site performance of
<http://www.washingtonpost.com> a few more years.

Very well put, Vince.

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