ISP/C Example

Jim Fleming JimFleming at
Wed Jul 9 10:43:20 EDT 1997

For people "organizing" ARIN.....

I suggest that you follow some of the open and democratic
processes used by the ISP/C. They should be applauded for
their efforts and be used as a model for organizations that
serve their members and the public.

Here is a sample of one of their recent postings. Their web
site has more information. <>

Jim Fleming


From: 	Deb Howard[SMTP:deb.howard at 2COWHERD.NET]
Sent: 	Wednesday, July 09, 1997 2:28 AM
Subject: 	Announcement of 1997-98 Officers and Directorates

Dear ISP/C Members and Interested Others:

On behalf of the ISP/C Board of Directors, I am pleased to make the
following announcement as to the results of Board elections and appointments
to various Board positions:

1.  Election of Board Officers:  President, Vice President, Treasurer.
For President, Newton/Howard nominated and Brown seconded the nomination of
Charles T. Smith.

For Vice President, Smith moved and Brown seconded the nomination of Roxanna

For Treasurer, Smallacombe/Freedman moved and Crocker seconded the
nomination of Doug R. Locke.

Nominations from the floor were closed, and the slate as submitted was
passed by unanimous roll call vote.  Congratulations to our new Officers!

2.  Appointment of Directorships:

   Appointment of Secretary
        William Sommers
   Appointment of Education and Training Director
        Kevin Crocker
   Appointment of Membership Services Director
        Kevin Wenzel
   Appointment of Membership Recruiting Director
        Jon Mann
   Appointment of System Management Director (Server Manager:  Ray Davis)
        Jeff Lawhorn, James Smallacombe (back-up)
   Appointment of Communications Director
        Deb Howard
   Appointment of Policy & Lobbying Director
        Justin Newton
   Appointment of Special Projects Director(s)
        Matt Simerson
        Avi Freedman
        James Smallacombe

The above slate was passed by unanimous voice vote.

3.  Board terms of office:  1, 2 or 3 year terms available.
         Tim Brown  3 years
         Kevin Crocker 1 year
         Avi Freedman 3 years
         Deborah Howard 1 year
         Jeffrey Lawhorn 2 years
         Douglas Locke  2 years
         Roxanna Loveday  3 years
         Jonathan Mann  1 year
         Justin Newton 2 years
         Matt Simerson 1 year
         James Smallacombe 1 year
         William Sommers  3 years
         Charles Smith 2 years
         Kevin Wenzel 2 years

The above slate was passed by unanimous voice vote.

Respectfully submitted,
Deborah Howard, MPH
1996-97 President
1997-98 Chair of the Board

Deborah A. Howard, MPH, Partner
2 COW HERD, Venice Beach, CA's Original Full Spectrum ISP
(310) 448-1680  (phone)   (310) 827-5355 (FAX)  deb.howard at
Chair of the Board, Internet Service Provider's Consortium

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