Forcible reclamation?

Paul Ferguson pferguso at CISCO.COM
Tue Jul 8 13:02:34 EDT 1997

At 09:55 AM 07/08/97 -0700, Karl Auerbach wrote:

>In terms of when one hits the wall on #1, Frank Solensky of FTP Software
>has been doing projections for a couple of years regarding when address
>space prefixes run out.  And he's projecting a very long time (the year
>2015 sticks in my mind) for exhausion of classic class b and c chunks. His
>last projection is perhaps a close to a year out of date.  (One would hope
>that ipv6 or nat would be more widely deployed by then ;-)

Franks' projections were based on total allocations, and I do not
believe any of the ISI reclamation efforts were factored into
the projection.

- paul

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